Public Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dankletz on November 13, 2014, 03:10:33 PM
Bah...supposedly we are only a medium pop server yet i come home from work to a 2000 person que :( i just wanna play wod dammit!
3100 person queue
9:30 and I'm still not in...been in que since 6. Apparantly they reduced server slots on all servers to deal with the lag. That's pretty fucked up...
I've been on for 4 hours. Only 10 left in front of me, finally.
Bah...supposedly we are only a medium pop server yet i come home from work to a 2000 person que :( i just wanna play wod dammit!
The pop it shows you on the realms list in-game is just how many people are currently on the server, Korgath is a high pop realm and blizz was (still is?) lowering the cap on the number of ppl who could be logged in simultaneously in an attempt to increase server stability.
Pretty shitty :(
It gives me all the time to play the League's!
This made me smile, but I remember how frustrating queues were back in the day. I hope those things are a thing of the past and won't happen again now when BfA launches.